Useful phone numbers
- Police emergency: 100
- Tourist police: 171
- First aid emergency: 166
- Fire emergency: 199
- Greek Nat. Tourist Organization: 2108707000
- Port authority Piraeus: 2104226000 to 4
- Internat.airport El.Venizelos: 2103530000
- International train departures: 1440
- Domestic airline schedules: 2109369111
- Domestic bus schedules: 2105124910
- Domestic ship schedules: 1440
- Domestic train schedules: 1440
- Athens radio taxis: 2109217942, 2106433400
- Athens telephone numbers information: 131
- Athens traffic police: 210 523-0111
- Athens municipality emergency: 195
- Chamber of Hotels: 2103310022
- Doctors without boarders: 2108213704
- ELPA emergency road service: 104
- Express Service emergency road service: 154
- Olympic Airways flights information: 2109269111
- Olympic Airways reservations: 2109666666
- Port authority Rafina: 2294022300
- Port authority Laurio: 2292025249
- Athens Festival cultural events: 2103221459
- Postal service information: 2103243311
Service of Lost or Stolen Credit Cards
- Visa: +30 00800116380304
- American Express: +30 210 339 7250,
- Diners: +30 210 929 0200,
- Eurocard: +30 210 950 3673,
- Mastercard: +30 00800118870303
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